Patient Calls Podcasts

When it comes to researching a hair transplant surgeon, prospective patients should not be lulled into the false sense of security that a "Harvard trained," board certified plastic surgeon is in any way more skilled or more ethical, than an internist with no surgical residency. Hair transplant surgery is an extremely specialized, difficult and elegant form of cosmetic surgery that takes incredible commitment to learn how to perform to state of the art standards. In this game, where you were “educated” is less important than how you were educated, and understanding the nuances of proper patient selection as well as how to “first do no harm.”

Spencer Kobren and Spencer (Spex) Stevenson speak with a UK caller about how devastating it was for him to first realize he was losing his hair. While society does not “allow” men to discuss how hair loss effects their lives and even seems tolerant of public “bald shaming,” many dealing with hair loss are emotionally struggling in ways those not affected by it can fully understand.

Long gone are the days of the Better Business Bureau and the repercussions of being “reported” to the triple B. Today, consumers can bypass everything and make specific and direct complaints that can be seen by tens of thousands of people in a matter of hours. The problem is that we don’t know who is making a legitimate complaint and who is just trying to stir up trouble for their competitor. Jeff calls the show to share his perspective as a legitimate repair patient.

For those who make good candidates, and find the right surgeon and surgical team, hair transplant surgery can be an extremely positive, life changing experience. For the countless consumers who fall prey to hair transplant device maker marketing and inexperienced novice practitioners, the outcomes can be disastrous, and the field is becoming more confusing and dangerous every year. Martin calls the the guys on the UK show to discuss his success story and why he believes he has such a positive hair transplant experience.

Spencer Kobren and Joe Tillman speak with a caller who is concerned about having to take time off from training post surgery. Bottom line: Hair transplant surgery is a financial and emotional investment that takes some sacrifice in order to ensure the best possible outcome.

We all want the perfect head of hair, but when it comes to hair transplant surgery, it’s important to remember that each and every procedure comes with real risks. If you’re a hair transplant patient who is currently comfortable with his appearance, attempting to add just a little more might not be worth the risk.

While it might seem insane that an NYC sanitation worker was performing late night hair transplants back in the 90’s in New York, what's happening in the field today is just as shocking. FUE hair transplant surgery is a far more demanding procedure than the type of strips being performed in the late 90s, and now there are even less qualified labor technicians performing the entirety of these procedures, all under the “watchful” eyes of the physicians who own these cosmetic surgery mills.

There are countless “walking wounded” looking to have botched hair transplant procedures repaired so that they can move on with their lives feeling comfortable in their own skin. However, for many men in search of repair, the commitment of living another 6 months of their lives looking worse before they look better can be daunting. If you’re considering repair hair transplant surgery this is a segment you’ll want to watch.

Jose from Dallas calls the show to ask about one of the most common, transient side effects that occurs with the early usage of Propecia, testicular pain. Though not indicative of any serious known side effects of the drug, the dull aching pain that effects some who use the drug, can be difficult to tolerate if severe, however, according to most professionals it appears that in most cases it’s a sort lived transient side effect lasting no more than a few weeks for most who experience it.

Being “ready” for hair transplant surgery is a very personal decision, however it has been well established that a significant percentage of  younger patients are simply not emotionally equipped to handle a less than perfect outcome. Hair transplant surgery is real cosmetic surgery and with it comes the same medical and emotional risk. Spencer Kobren and Joe Tillman speak with one happy patient who waited until he was “ready” to undergo hair transplant surgery and who emphasizes that developing realistic expectations was part of his process.

Have the medical device manufacturers, novice hair transplant practitioners and ill-informed patients accepted less natural and even sparse results as the new normal? Sadly, it appears that a new narrative is being created and expectations are lower than they’ve been in years. Remember, it is possible to get a great hair transplant but sadly, most of what is being offered today by these turn key practices is mediocre at best and that seems ok with today’s hash-tag, cosmetic surgery consumer and mainstream cosmetic surgery marketing websites.

If the risk of having a hair transplant can possibly be greater than the reward, hair transplantation might not be for you. Jeff from Connecticut calls in to talk about his successes and his mistakes as a young man desperately trying to remedy his hair loss.

There seems to be a new breed of hair transplant “surgeon” marketing their wares to unsuspecting consumers. Some experts claim they believe that the legal practice of medicine might be up to interpretation when it comes to hair transplant surgery. So if you think that medicine is a tightly regulated industry, think again.

Find A Surgeon

The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons is a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons. The IAHRS does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplatation, and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique. Its elite membership seeks to represent the best in the discipline, the true leaders in the field of surgical hair restoration.