Since 2002, Roxy has worked with Dr. Epstein to help take care of his patients, serving as his patient coordinator. Anyone who has passed through our office has been able to enjoy the caring touch of Roxy.
Trained as a plastic surgeon in Latin America, Karelia has been one of Dr. Epstein's chief assistants in the OR since 1999. She is talented, focused, and caring, and loves to sing when she works with patients.
Our head Registered Nurse, Elsa is one of the top FUE assistants and planters anywhere, where her skills combined with her RN experience have made her since 2007 an invaluable part of the office.
Since Dr. Epstein's very first day in practice - July, 1994- Cindy has worked besides him helping to take care of patients. She is the main contact person for post-procedure questions, and is known for her patience and caring.
In addition to her oversight work in the stem cell study, Jackie has, since 2010, been largely responsible for overseeing the workings of the ORs, supervising the entire team.
Known for his expertise in eyebrow transplants, Dr. Epstein has relied on Linda (along with Karelia and Elsa) to oversee the eyebrow team since 2003, where she is diligent and a true perfectionist. Linda is one of the top planters, whether eyebrows, beards, or the large number of scalp hair transplants we perform every year.
Mercy, with Dr. Epstein since 2001, is always there to take a patient's hand and provide a sense of comfort. And she cuts a great graft!

Call the office and you will most likely be greeted by Susie, who since 2000 has been in the front office taking care of patients.
The IAHRS is an organization whose membership is limited exclusively to state-of-the-art hair restoration surgeons. The IAHRS is the patient’s advocate, the ethical physician’s voice, and the standard for the profession.