Hair Transplant Podcast

Premiering in 1998 on New York City’s 77WABC radio and subsequently syndicated in every major market in the country, Spencer Kobren’s The Bald Truth is recognized as the first and longest running broadcast dedicated to prompting a candid conversation focusing on the emotionally devastating and life altering epidemic of hair loss.

While considered generally safe, local anesthetic agents used in hair transplant surgery can be toxic and extremity dangerous if administered inappropriately. Before considering going under the knife, confirm that all anesthesia is being administered by a licensed and experienced practitioner and that appropriate and legal monitoring will be in place during the entire surgery.

If you ever wanted to know what's really going on in one of today’s countless, tunkey, pop-up hair transplant practices this TBT undercover tech segment should be enlightening. Before you consider having surgery make sure your surgeon has the proper experience, credentials and is actually taking part in your surgery.

While The Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and The International Alliance of Hair Restorations Surgeons (IAHRS) have both issued warnings to hair transplant consumers about the countless illegal hair transplant mills popping up in Turkey, many young hair loss patients are still willing to risk their health and their looks on the promise of an inexpensive hair loss fix. IAHRS accepted member Marc Dauer, M.D. discusses his impressions after meeting three young men who have just undergone surgery at one these Turkish hair transplant mills.

Hair loss is a subject that society as a whole does not seem to recognize as the emotional devastating disease of the spirt that it is for so many. Spencer Kobren and Spencer (Spex) Stevenson discuss on this segment of TBT UK.  

IAHRS accepted member, Baubac Hayatdavoudi, M.D., discusses the the reality of being a young hair transplant patient and the importance of these young hair loss sufferers understanding the very real limitations of the procedure in those experiencing early onset male pattern baldness.

Spencer Kobren speaks with IAHRS accepted member Paul Rose, M.D. about finally having the ability to share real data on the efficacy of PRP systems so consumers can avoid wasting their time and their money on ineffective procedures.

The truth is, if you are not having your hair transplant surgery performed in a dedicated hair transplant facility, with a well credentialed physician and an accountable in-house staff, it is likely that you not only will end up with less than optimal results, it’s very possible that you are not receiving what you are paying for. Welcome to the “new normal” of the turnkey, product manufacturers driven hair transplant industry.

You can’t have a hair transplant without local anesthetic, and of course the numbing agent of choice is lidocaine. While generally believed to be an innocuous, safe agent that works by blocking nerve signals to your body, unless it is administered correctly and precisely, tailored to an individual's medical history and physiology, severe side effects can occur, including death. The hair transplant industry is seeing more lidocaine toxicity than ever before and many believe it’s because of the use of unlicensed personel to administer, and monitor patients (besides performing the procedure) during the hair transplant surgery. Listen to IAHRS accepted member Daniel Danyo, M.D. discuss the real danger of lidocaine toxicity from the perspective of a former pain management specialist with an intimate understanding on how these medications interact with the body as well as other medications patients are taking during the time of surgery.

We’ve been preaching for years that not all PRP is created equal, and in fact most of what is being promoted both in the hair loss world and more recently in the mainstream cosmetic surgery space is completely worthless. IAHRS founding member, Miami hair transplant surgeon and hair loss expert, Paul T. Rose M.D., J.D. discusses his latest findings and exposes the unfortunate reality that many being treated for various conditions in the aesthetic space are simply throwing their hard earned money and hope down the drain.

Hair transplant surgery is one of the most nuanced, elegant and difficult forms of cosmetic surgery performed today, but for some reason many new physicians entering the field and device makers never seemed to have received “the memo.” Listen to TBT’s “Undercover Tech” as she clues in prospective hair transplant patients as to what is really going on in these turn-key hair transplant practices. Remember, no two cases are alike and if you think one device or one way of doing things will benefit all patients, you are being sold a bill of goods.

Find A Surgeon

The International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons is a consumer organization that selectively screens skilled and ethical hair transplant surgeons. The IAHRS does not offer an open membership policy to doctors practicing hair transplatation, and is the only group that recognizes that all surgeons are not equal in their skill and technique. Its elite membership seeks to represent the best in the discipline, the true leaders in the field of surgical hair restoration.